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حصريآ برنامج ضغط الملفات الرائع WinRAR v4.00 Final (x86/x64) أحدث أصدار كامل

الاثنين، 7 مارس 2011 التسميات:

منتديات المصراوية

منتديات المصراوية

منتديات المصراوية

منتديات المصراوية

حصريآ برنامج ضغط الملفات الرائع WinRAR v4.00 Final (x86/x64) أحدث أصدار كامل

منتديات المصراوية



WinRAR v4.00 Final (x86/x64)-FFF | 3.14 Mb

منتديات المصراوية

WinRAR is a general purpose archiving and compression program competing with/replacing programs such as PKZip, ARJ, and others. It offers significantly improved compression ratios, easier use and a cheaper price as well as supporting long file names, disk spanning, and self-extracting file creation.

WinRAR Unplugged is portable! Now you can take the best compression tool with you wherever you go, giving you extra mobility and productivity! WinRAR Unplugged is designed to work without installation from devices like USB/Flash drives, external harddrives etc.


منتديات المصراوية


Main features of WinRAR:
» Full support for RAR and ZIP archives
» Using the original high-performance data compression algorithm
» Having a graphical environment that supports drag and drop (drag & drop)
» You can use command line interface
» Managing the archives of other formats (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, TAR.GZ, BZ2, TAR.BZ2, ACE, UUE, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z)
» Support for the method of continuous backup for better compression
» Support of multivolume archives
» Creating self-extracting (SFX) conventional and multivolume archives with a standard or optional SFX modules
» The ability to recover physically damaged archives
» The ability to create and use of recovery volumes, allowing to reconstruct missing parts of multivolume archives.
» Support for Unicode encoding in filenames
» Additional functions (data encryption and file names in the archive, add comments archival, management protocol error)
» Using a third-party registration interface in the form of individual topics.

منتديات المصراوية

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (x86/x64)
Language: English
License: Keygen-FFF
Size: 3.14 Mb

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